Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dotty Wakes Up Tired but in a Good Mood (Audio)

By Bob DeMarco

Dotty woke up twice today.

For the last few days Dotty has been eating everything she can get her hands on. This is disturbing because over eating tends to make Dotty more difficult to deal with. She tends to be more irritable because most of her energy is going into digesting her food. It is like it saps the energy from her brain.

She has the early morning back ache. This means poop agita on the horizon for today. We will treat this with a double round of the magic elixir -- prune juice.

At least she is in a good mood so we are off to a good start today.

Listen to Dotty in the CinchCast below.

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Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room
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